Griddle Bread: A Delicious and Easy Recipe for Breakfast or Brunch

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If you’re a bread lover, you might want to try making griddle bread. Griddle bread is a type of bread that is cooked on a griddle or skillet instead of being baked in an oven. It’s a quick and easy way to make bread that doesn’t require any special equipment or skills.

Griddle bread is a versatile bread that can be made in many different ways. Some recipes call for just a few simple ingredients, such as flour, water, and salt, while others include additional ingredients like baking powder, baking soda, or butter. Griddle bread can be made with white flour, whole wheat flour, or a combination of both. It can be sweet or savory, and it can be served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

History of Griddle Bread

Griddle bread is a type of bread that is cooked on a griddle or flat pan. It has a long history dating back centuries and is still popular in many parts of the world. In this section, we will explore the origin and evolution of griddle bread.


Griddle bread is believed to have originated in Ireland, where it is called “boxty.” According to legend, boxty was invented during the Irish potato famine in the 1800s. The dish was created as a way to stretch the limited potato supply by mixing grated potatoes with flour and cooking the mixture on a griddle. Over time, boxty evolved to include other ingredients, such as milk, butter, and eggs.

In the United States, griddle bread is often associated with the southern states, where it is known as “hoecake” or “Johnny cake.” These breads were typically made with cornmeal, flour, and water and were cooked on a griddle or in a skillet over an open fire.


Griddle bread has evolved over time to include a wide range of ingredients and cooking methods. In Ireland, for example, griddle bread is often made with a mixture of white and wholemeal flour, baking soda, and buttermilk. The dough is then cooked on a griddle until it is golden brown.

In other parts of the world, griddle bread is made with a variety of grains, such as cornmeal, rye, and barley. Some versions of griddle bread also include sweeteners, such as honey or molasses, while others are flavored with herbs and spices.

Today, griddle bread is enjoyed around the world as a versatile and delicious bread that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Whether you prefer traditional Irish boxty or southern-style hoecakes, griddle bread is a tasty and satisfying addition to any meal.

Ingredients of Griddle Bread

Making griddle bread is a simple process that requires only a few basic ingredients. In this section, we will explore the ingredients used to make this delicious bread.

Basic Ingredients

The basic ingredients of griddle bread are flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk. Flour is the main ingredient in griddle bread and provides the structure for the bread. Baking soda is used as a leavening agent, which helps the bread rise. Salt is added for flavor, while buttermilk adds a tangy flavor and helps activate the baking soda.

The following table summarizes the basic ingredients of griddle bread:

Ingredients Function
Flour Provides structure
Baking soda Leavening agent
Salt Adds flavor
Buttermilk Adds tangy flavor and activates baking soda


While the basic ingredients of griddle bread remain the same, there are several variations that can be made to the recipe. Some people like to add sugar to the dough to make a sweeter bread, while others add herbs or spices to add flavor.

Another variation is to use different types of flour. Whole wheat flour can be used to make a healthier version of griddle bread, while rye flour can be used to make a denser bread with a nutty flavor.

Here are some common variations of griddle bread:

  • Sweet griddle bread: add sugar to the dough
  • Herb griddle bread: add herbs such as rosemary or thyme to the dough
  • Whole wheat griddle bread: use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour
  • Rye griddle bread: use rye flour instead of all-purpose flour

Experiment with different variations to find your favorite version of griddle bread.

Making Griddle Bread

If you’re looking for a quick and easy bread recipe, griddle bread is a great option. It’s simple to make and doesn’t require any special equipment. Here’s how to make griddle bread.


To make griddle bread, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup of milk

First, mix the flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Then, gradually add the milk and mix until a dough forms. Knead the dough on a floured surface for a few minutes until it’s smooth and elastic.

Next, divide the dough into small pieces and roll them out into thin circles. You can use a rolling pin or your hands to do this. If the dough is too sticky, add a little bit of flour.

Cooking Method

To cook the griddle bread, you’ll need a flat griddle or a frying pan. Heat the griddle over medium-high heat and lightly grease it with oil or butter.

Once the griddle is hot, add the griddle bread and cook it for 2-3 minutes on each side until it’s golden brown. You can flip the bread using a spatula or your hands.

Once the griddle bread is cooked, remove it from the griddle and let it cool for a few minutes before serving. Griddle bread is best served warm with butter or jam.

That’s it! Griddle bread is a simple and delicious bread that you can make in no time. Give it a try and enjoy!

Different Types of Griddle Bread

Griddle bread is a type of bread that is cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan. It is a versatile bread that can be made with a variety of ingredients and can be served in many ways. Here are some different types of griddle bread that you can try.

Worldwide Varieties

Griddle bread is a popular type of bread all around the world. Here are some examples of griddle bread from different countries:

  • Irish Soda Bread: This is a traditional Irish bread that is made with flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk. It is cooked on a griddle or in a cast-iron skillet. It has a dense texture and a slightly sour taste.
  • Indian Naan Bread: Naan is a type of Indian bread that is cooked in a tandoor oven or on a griddle. It is made with flour, yeast, salt, and water. It is usually served with curries or other Indian dishes.
  • Mexican Tortillas: Tortillas are a type of flatbread that is made with masa harina (corn flour) or wheat flour. They are cooked on a griddle or comal and are used to make tacos, burritos, and other Mexican dishes.

Regional Specialties

Griddle bread is also a popular bread in many different regions. Here are some examples of regional griddle bread:

  • Welsh Cakes: These are a type of griddle cake that are popular in Wales. They are made with flour, sugar, butter, and currants or raisins. They are cooked on a griddle and are usually served with tea.
  • English Muffins: English muffins are a type of griddle bread that are popular in England and the United States. They are made with flour, yeast, salt, and milk. They are cooked on a griddle and are usually split and toasted before being served with butter and jam.
  • Scottish Bannock: Bannock is a type of griddle bread that is popular in Scotland. It is made with flour, baking powder, salt, and milk. It is cooked on a griddle and is usually served with butter and jam.

Griddle bread is a delicious and versatile bread that can be made with a variety of ingredients. Whether you prefer a sweet or savory bread, there is a griddle bread out there for you to try.

Nutritional Value of Griddle Bread

Griddle bread is a type of bread that is cooked on a griddle instead of being baked in an oven. It is usually made with flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk. Griddle bread is a great source of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Here is a breakdown of the nutritional value of griddle bread:


A typical serving of griddle bread contains around 150-200 calories. This may vary depending on the size of the bread and the ingredients used.


Griddle bread is a good source of carbohydrates, providing around 30-40 grams per serving. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body.


Griddle bread contains some protein, providing around 3-5 grams per serving. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.


Griddle bread is a good source of fiber, providing around 2-3 grams per serving. Fiber is important for maintaining digestive health and preventing constipation.


Griddle bread is low in fat, providing around 1-2 grams per serving. This makes it a good option for those who are watching their fat intake.

Vitamins and Minerals

Griddle bread is a good source of several vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, and thiamin. Calcium is important for maintaining strong bones and teeth, while iron is essential for healthy blood cells. Thiamin is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Overall, griddle bread can be a healthy addition to your diet when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Pairing and Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving griddle bread, there are a variety of options that can help enhance its unique flavor and texture. Here are some pairing and serving suggestions that you can try out:

Breakfast Options

Griddle bread makes for a great breakfast option, especially when served with some sweet or savory toppings. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Butter and Jam: Spread some butter and your favorite jam on top of the warm griddle bread. This classic combination is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

  • Honey and Cinnamon: Drizzle some honey and sprinkle some cinnamon on top of the griddle bread. This combination is perfect for those who prefer a slightly spicier flavor.

  • Eggs and Bacon: Serve the griddle bread alongside some eggs and bacon for a hearty breakfast. You can even use the griddle bread to make a breakfast sandwich.

Lunch and Dinner Ideas

Griddle bread can also be served as a side dish or used as a base for sandwiches or pizzas. Here are some ideas to inspire your next meal:

  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich: Use the griddle bread to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Simply add some cheese and grill until the cheese is melted and the bread is crispy.

  • Pizza: Use the griddle bread as a base for a homemade pizza. Add your favorite toppings and bake in the oven until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

  • Soup and Stew: Serve the griddle bread alongside some soup or stew for a comforting meal. The bread is perfect for soaking up all the flavorful broth.

Overall, there are endless possibilities when it comes to serving griddle bread. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, there’s a pairing option that’s sure to please your taste buds.

Storing and Reheating Griddle Bread

After making a batch of delicious griddle bread, you may be wondering how to store and reheat it properly to maintain its freshness and flavor. Here are some tips to help you out:

Storing Griddle Bread

Griddle bread can be stored at room temperature for up to two days. However, it’s best to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out. If you plan to store it for longer, you can freeze it for up to two months. To freeze, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then in aluminum foil or place it in a freezer bag.

When you’re ready to eat the bread, simply thaw it at room temperature for a few hours or overnight in the refrigerator. Avoid thawing it in the microwave, as this can make the bread soggy.

Reheating Griddle Bread

To reheat griddle bread, you have several options:

  • Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F. Remove the bread from the plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it on a baking sheet. Bake for 5-10 minutes, or until the bread is heated through and crispy.

  • Toaster: If your griddle bread is thick enough, you can slice it and toast it in a toaster. This method works best for smaller pieces of bread.

  • Griddle: If you have a griddle or a panini press, you can reheat the bread on it. Simply place the bread on the griddle or press and heat until it’s warm and crispy.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to keep an eye on the bread to prevent it from burning. And remember, griddle bread is best enjoyed fresh, so try to eat it within a day or two of making it.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned about griddle bread and how to make it. Now that you know the basics of this delicious bread, you can experiment with different recipes and ingredients to create your own unique version.

Remember, griddle bread is a simple, rustic bread that is perfect for serving with soups, stews, or just as a snack. It is made with baking soda instead of yeast, which gives it a distinctive flavor and texture.

When making griddle bread, be sure to use a non-stick pan or flat-top griddle to prevent sticking. You can also add other ingredients to the dough, such as herbs, spices, or cheese, to create different flavors.

Overall, griddle bread is a versatile and easy-to-make bread that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you are serving it as a side dish or using it as a base for sandwiches, griddle bread is sure to impress your guests and satisfy your taste buds. So why not try making some today?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make Irish soda bread on a griddle?

Irish soda bread is a type of bread that is traditionally cooked on a griddle. To make Irish soda bread on a griddle, you will need a few basic ingredients such as flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk. Mix the dry ingredients together and then add the buttermilk to form a dough. Shape the dough into a round loaf and then place it on a hot, greased griddle. Cook the bread for about 8-10 minutes per side, or until it is golden brown and cooked through.

What is the difference between griddle bread and pan bread?

Griddle bread is a type of bread that is cooked on a griddle, while pan bread is cooked in a pan in the oven. Griddle bread is typically thinner and flatter than pan bread, and it has a crisp crust and a soft, chewy interior. Pan bread, on the other hand, is usually thicker and has a softer crust and a more even texture throughout.

What are some variations of griddle bread?

There are many different types of griddle bread, each with its own unique flavor and texture. Some popular variations include Irish soda bread, Welsh cakes, Scottish oatcakes, and Indian naan bread. Each of these breads has its own unique ingredients and cooking methods, but they are all cooked on a griddle.

Can you make griddle bread without yeast?

Yes, you can make griddle bread without yeast. Many griddle breads, such as Irish soda bread and Scottish oatcakes, are made without yeast. Instead, they use baking soda or baking powder to help the bread rise. This makes them quick and easy to prepare, without the need for a long rising time.

What are some tips for cooking griddle bread?

When cooking griddle bread, it is important to preheat the griddle to the correct temperature. Too hot, and the bread will burn; too cool, and it will not cook properly. You should also make sure to grease the griddle well before adding the bread to prevent it from sticking. Finally, be sure to flip the bread over halfway through cooking to ensure that it cooks evenly on both sides.

Is it possible to make gluten-free griddle bread?

Yes, it is possible to make gluten-free griddle bread. There are many different gluten-free flours available that can be used to make griddle bread, such as rice flour, almond flour, and coconut flour. You may need to experiment with different flours and ratios to find the right combination for your recipe, but with a little practice, you can make delicious gluten-free griddle bread.